Introduction to the CTMU: Polish–English Edition
“Introduction to the CTMU” meets M.C. Escher in a Polish–English edition of the work
It is with great pleasure that we share the following link to a Polish translation of the “Introduction to the CTMU” presented side-by-side with the English original written by Christopher M. Langan and first published in Ubiquity, Vol. 1, No. 1 in 1999.
Permission has been granted by The M.C. Escher Company to use some of the works of M.C. Escher in this publication. They are intended to serve as geometrical expressions of certain ideas presented in the text. To our minds, Escher’s art wonderfully complements the CTMU and its beautiful explication of the universal logical laws of the real Universe that reside within us. Enjoy!
The Polish–English edition of the “Introduction to the CTMU”
If you’d like to learn more about the works of M.C. Escher used in the publication, please follow the links below.
Page 2, Up and Down, July 1947, Lithograph.
Page 7, Smaller and Smaller, October 1956, Wood Engraving and Woodcut, printed from four blocks.
Page 11, Liberation, April 1955, Lithograph.