The following was encapsulated and / or transcribed from the first part of the Ultimate Reality (UR) interview (link to podcast at end):
Part 1 - First 45 minutes
What is the CTMU?
The CTMU is a cosmology that describes the universe as a Self-simulation and outlines our role as actualizing agents of Teleologic Evolution. The CTMU is a framework in which to define quantum mechanics, explicate spacetime and natural forces, serves as a foundational metalanguage of absolute truth (*Logos), and provide a framework for a breakthrough in metareligious understanding.
It has several levels of approach:
As a comprehensive metaphysical description of the structure and dynamics of reality, that is, of the trialic identity of reality, in which Cognitive Theory = Model = Universe);
As a logico-geometric system reflecting the self-containment or ontic-algebraic closure of reality (a kind of stratified “metaphysical operator algebra”);
As the Metaformal System or “ultimate language” which combines formal systems with their universes of discourse and couples ontology with epistemology (an attribution of existence requires knowledge of the argument); This can be characterized as “a language that talks TO itself ABOUT itself FOR itself”, for purposes of logical and experiential Self-identification;
As a metaphysical extension of physics which is conspansively self-dual, “expanding inwardly” instead of exploding outwardly;
As an ultimate reality self-simulation within a “metaverse”, or existential potential for any possible universe;
As logical theology, or a metareligious framework for the logical reconciliation of various faiths (by coupling faith and knowledge = metaphysical logic).
What is the relationship of physics to metaphysics and the CTMU?