Procrastination At The High End of the Bell Curve
When the totally awesome becomes the enemy of the really, really great ...
You’ve been there. We all have, and we’ll be there again. We’ve done a really great job at getting our project together, but we just can’t seem to move to the next step. Even the gifted get stuck.
A key feature of gifted personalities is (frequently) perfectionism. It’s a trait that drives us to excel, but it can also lead to unrealistic and anxiety-provoking expectations. A key to overcoming procrastination may be to reduce your standards. That sounds terrible but for a gifted individual, it can be hard to let go. There is always a way to make it just a little bit better. Perfectionism sets a high bar, and if set too high, it prevents progress. To lower your standards, first decide what you are willing to settle for, and then set out to achieve it. (Tip: You can always raise the bar later.)