Have you ever heard about Schuman Resonances? What are their benefits? Have you tried using them to help you relax or sleep better? Have you tried frequency healing yourself? Is it something that really works? What other health benefits do you get from using Schumann Resonances? Let us know in the comments below! And be sure to share your experience with us :)
What are Schumann Resonances?
The term "Schumann Resonances" refers to the set of spectrum peaks that are present in the low frequency portion of the Earth's electromagnetic field. These are global electromagnetic resonances generated by the lightning discharges that occur within a cavity that forms between the Earth's surface and ionosphere. Scientists have discovered how these resonances affect the Earth's climate and weather.
The first method to increase the frequency of your vibration is to spend time outdoors. Nature acts as a tuning fork, allowing you to tune into the frequencies around you. A natural environment is ideal for this. Spend some time stargazing and gazing at the stars. Listening to music with the Schumann frequencies is another effective way to raise your vibration. Several CDs and YouTube videos are available on this topic.
While it used to be possible to observe this phenomenon on earth, man-made interference has made it more difficult to detect. The latest measurement by NASA's Vector Electric Field Instrument reveals that man-made electromagnetic fields (EMF) and atmospheric pressure can be detected from space. This new discovery offers scientists a new tool for studying the atmosphere. In addition to the natural signals, these electromagnetic fields can also be detected by spacecraft.
How Schumann Resonances Help to Heal the Body
The hum of the planet, known as the Schumann Resonance, sings throughout all life, including humans. The Schumann Resonances relate to different brainwaves and are present in the ionosphere, 100 km above Earth's surface. Scientists believe that these natural frequencies affect the human body and mind. These frequencies are influenced by the sun, which is a major contributor to global resonances.
Exposure to Schumann Resonances has many benefits. One way is grounding, which is known as earthing. The use of grounding has exploded in popularity in recent years, due to research studies showing that grounding improves the body's health by reducing cortisol levels. Other benefits include a healthier mind and body. The use of Schumann Resonances can help people cope with stress, reduce pain, and improve their quality of life.
Researchers believe that tuning into 7.83 Hz has many benefits, including improved concentration and focus. Listening to the Schumann Resonance can also promote out-of-body experiences. Researchers say that the frequency influences molecular vibration and consciousness. It is also thought to be beneficial for people who practice yoga and meditation. Those who have tried it say that they can experience heightened states of wellbeing and even out-of-body experiences.
Using Schumann Resonances for Relaxation and Sleep
In addition to the research on the effects of music, this article also describes a sleep device that produces low frequency binaural entrainment waves. These waves are known to slow brain activity. The device has a steady musical ambiance. The researchers tested the device on 60 subjects. Their results indicate that the device improves the quality of sleep and prolongs slow-wave sleep. The next step is to further explore how the device works.
The Schumann Resonance signal can be found worldwide and is highly correlated with the S-GMA and Kp index of the Earth. The earth receives cosmic radiation through the solar wind and the ionosphere. These particles affect the Earth's magnetosphere. The S-GMA also affects the ionosphere D-region ion/electron density. The Schumann Resonance signal is also created in tropical thunderstorms and lightning and produces resonant modes within the resonant cavity.
Have you tried frequency healing?
Have you heard of frequency healing? Frequency is the rate at which something vibrates once every second. In terms of sound waves, it's measured in Hz, and frequencies used for healing are based on this specific scale. It was discovered by Dr. Hans Jenny, who conceived of this technology. He created a device called an oscillator with a generator that could produce thousands of different frequencies. Some of these frequencies are natural, while others are created by man.
The frequencies found in sound healing are known as the solfeggio frequency. They are part of a scale of six tones, and are often heard in Gregorian chants. They have been shown to reduce stress and depression, and can alleviate fatigue and a wide range of symptoms. The frequencies also come with their own healing properties. Some of them are effective for both the mind and the body, while others are used for only one.
I have had experience in this domain, the Schumann resonance is similar to the alpha brainwave state, alpha is a full octave, meaning 7 different cycles (7-14Hz) like 7 musical notes or 7 colours of pure white light and alpha is the key to the functioning of the right brain hemisphere. 90% of people do their thinking and acting at 20 cycles on average (the beta frequency) only 10% think with the right and act with the left. There is more information on the right than there is on the left because each brain hemisphere has its own set of sensing mechanisms so when you’re active and awake you have information stored on the left brain hemisphere which makes an impression on the right brain hemisphere, so you double up information, only what is stored on the right brain hemisphere is not transferred to the left. So you have more information when you learn to use the right brain hemisphere meaning you’re able to solve more problems than ever before. People who do their thinking at alpha are going to be more times right than wrong, those who think at beta are more times wrong than right. Alpha stimulates the sub-atomic particles in matter and our body chemistry is composed of sub-atomic particles and our body chemistry is controlled by the immune system, so this excitation reflects on the immune system and charges it up, strengthens it.
There are different systems out there yet the one I used called The Silva Method helps you enter the alpha state with the 3 to 1 method, meaning you visualise the number 3 three times then concentrate on your scalp, you will feel a fine vibration, a tingling sensation, a feeling of warmth in that part of your body, now completely relax and release all tensions and ligament pressure from this part of your head, placing it in a deep state of relaxation deeper than before. Then on through your forehead, eyes and eyelids, face, throat internally and externally , shoulders all the way down to your toes. Then go up the body, “feel as though your feet do not belong to your body, your feet, ankles calves and knees feel as though they do not belong to your body, feet, ankles, calves, knees, thighs, waist, shoulders, arms and hands etc. This is level 3 relaxation, whenever you want to become physically relaxed as you are after doing this, you close your eyes and visualise the number 3 three times, the more you practice the deeper you go. Level 2, visualise the number 2 three times, visualise passive and tranquil scenes, a day at the beach, a day out fishing or a walk in the woods, imagine you are really there. As with level 3 so with level 2, closing the eyes and visualising 2 three times will make you mentally relaxed and the more you practice the deeper you go, level 1 is the basic playing field where you can solve problems at alpha with different techniques. One technique you visualise the problem, then shift to the left and imagine taking steps to solve the problem, further to the left you create a solution image.
After so long you’ll begin to go to alpha automatically so every time you desire to solve a problem you automatically go to 10 cycles (centre of overall average brain frequency) and while you’re analysing a problem you’re strengthening your own immune system that will keep you alive. Also, people who learn to function at alpha do not get sick with psychosomatic health problems, which means you won’t be missing days of work, you won’t suffer headaches or insomnia or stuff like that.
I also found this interview between Mike Wallace and Aldeous Huxley to be rather intriguing.