This is my favorite interview.

In another interview (or maybe this one) I think you said that we don't need to understand the physics, we just need to live teleologic (?).

I have to look up and then study a lot of the mathematical.terminolgy so I can better understand the CTMU. It's doable for a non-physicist. I struggled with the Conspansive Manifold but I think I get the gist of it. I'm still struggling with points and cuts.

You mention Christianity, Buddhism . . . I wonder what you think of the Indigenous Peoples perspectives on reality, life and death.

Thank you very much for everything you have done to bring this information to us.


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Excellent interview, beautiful video editing.

The entire watch I was completely engulfed, captured, intrigued how memorizing (meta)physics can be.

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Thanks for enlightening me Chris, what are your thoughts on tarot? Is it good, evil or neutral? Can it be beneficial?

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