Thanks for this very insightfull and well-written post.

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What the hell does all of this tortuous jargon even mean? A prolonged, dessicated, self-important ordeal of mental gymnastics to make the Easter mystery jibe with some watered-down, demythologized Gnostic metaphysics with a few Nietzschean tropes tossed in for garnish, not to mention the tedious discussions of artificial vs. human intelligence, and so forth. I propose something far simpler, and healthier. Get the megalomaniacal Frankensteins of our time to be content with their piles of cash they've made turning kids' and adults' minds into masses of obedient, conformist mush, and just hightail it with their Pandora's Boxes of horrors they want to force down our throats (while paying them big money for the privilege). Toss the goddamn smart phones into the nearest furnace or body of water. Shut down the goddamn "dating" sites and apps, and get men and women SPEAKING to one another again--going on real goddamn dates, huh? Being involved and loving EACH OTHER, instead of devoting themselves to pointless, laughable political activism and asinine do-gooder projects which waste precious moments they should be enjoying--they will NEVER get that time back, and life's end can come at any time--no one is immortal. Get married, and--have children! Love them, love each other! Stop tearing one another's throats out over stupid, stupid things--nothing good is coming from it, and will never come of it. People are becoming more machine-like, being used and treated as appliances, or replaceable parts (e.g., "human resources."). We were never meant for this. Look to yourselves, your minds and bodies--develop them, expand them. What's so important that you can't stop looking at your phones all the time, and just "be" for a few minutes while waiting for the bus or the train? Despite what the media keep pushing, what the corporations, and self-interested political types from both sides keep promising, we're not headed anywhere pleasant, beautiful, or positive the way it's going now, folks. We're sliding into a nightmare. Just something to think about.

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good post... lots of stuff to read a second or third time. Spiritual-idiots will struggle with most of it... but, you presented many of the biblical principles that i'm quite familiar with, in your own unique CTMUish way... Happy Easter (a couple of days late) -- ct

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