what is the difference between the teleologic living substack and the ctmu substack w regard to content and material available (in general)?

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Thanks for mirroring this! When I can afford to I'll be buying all the books (so I have hard copies) and upgrading my membership. Saw behind the veil yesterday (moved me to tears) reality has to be accepted even if it's really solipsistic. 👍

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I've always wanted a nice clear list of integral concepts for the CTMU - thanks for providing them.

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Thank you for the clear explanation Gina. I signed up for both. Maybe this Q is not for here but I cant figure out where. I apologize in advance!

Q: I have read an article of Chris where he used an example of a garden and a snail or some kind of small animal and it dealt with the big process of cognition. It entailed basically the point that mathematics leaves out all the processing that goes on in the mind of the mathematician. The details maybe off but do you know the title of this article?

Thank you.

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Thank you, and anyone close to you for your patience, effort and persistence in the aid of humanity and its quest for a future.

I, and the general population are utterly lost without a summary for quick reference!


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