Guys, this article is really important and will bring you up to speed on the quest to understand the exact mechanism that is our biological clock. Josh is always at the cutting edge and presents the (sometimes dense) material in an engaging way. If this is your first dive into longevity research, be sure to read the hot-linked definitions of unfamiliar terms and check out the background links, too.

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Not just Siciliani but those whose heritage (like Gina’s and mine) include many parts of the Mediterranean! Sardinia has the most longevity, genetically speaking.

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Judging from your picture, his advice must be good.

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Sicilian women don't age; they just get leaner and meaner ;) But seriously, in addition to good genes, the most important factors in healthy longevity for me, at least, seem to be daily activity/exercise, staying on a good sleep schedule, and intermittent fasting (low carb). I still struggle with the supplements most (hate swallowing pills) but now that my sleep schedule is back on track, I'm going to focus on making sure I take my supplements daily.

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Gina, certo!

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I take gummies for most of my vitamin supplement requirements. Gummy vitamins are tolerated by my stomach as well. Thank you for the advice.

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I might have to rely more on gummies. I already use some lozenges. I must take 30 pills a day when I'm doing all the ones I think important. I just can't stand it and sometimes just stick to the "top 10". I can add the gummies on those days. Good tip, thx.

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